Monday, March 30, 2020

The Real (Boston George) supports C&R t-shirt line.

C&R Moment: 🗣 🗣 #History was made. S/O to (George Jung) aka #elamericano (TherealBostonGeroge) who once made 50 kilos go in one day he was #pabloescobar aka #Elmagico right hand in the #UnitedStates the movie #Blow is (Based on a true story) The (Real Boston George) was portrayed in the blockbuster movie by movie actor @jhonnydepp0ficial salute to (Boston George) #elamericano for supporting #connectedandrespected t-shirt line, to anyone who wishes to purchase C&R t-shirts we or (cashapp) & (Paypal) accessible. C&R to da ➡️🌎 e-mail #seriousinquiresonly 

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